Ok... so I think it's safe to say that this year is going to be amazing for features. So far the one to watch is going to be the new Fox Searchlight Pictures film with Jospeh Gordon-Levitt called '(500) Days of Summer' it's a basic romcom guy meets girl story. He falls in love with her, she doesn't fall in love with him, he doesn't know what to do with himself. It's written by the same guys who wrote Pink Panther 2... but don't let that put you off, I think it's going to be a hit. UK release date: 4 September 2009
Another one to check out is going to be the follow up to Twilight, called 'New Moon', this follows the characters of Bella, Edward and Jacob. After Edward leaves Bella she is distraught and resorts to reckless living in order to cling onto an echo of Edward's disapproving voice, her friendship with Jacob becomes more than she bargained for. Edward fears the worst making some reckless decisions himself. And Victoria seeks revenge on Edward for killing her mate James. It will be interesting to see how they make this into a good film as the book did drag along a little in places. The screen adaptation has been written by Melissa Rosenberg who wrote Twilight, however the director has changed and Chris Weitz has been brought in who directed the 2002 Brit-hit About a Boy. UK release date: 20 November 2009
'The Proposal' Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds, directed by Anne Fletcher who is just a genius. A boss bribes her assistant to marry her to avoid deportation to Canada. It just looks too funny to be true, ultimate chick-flick! UK release date: 22 July 2009
So mostly there I just talked about chick-flicks, but if any half way decent films were brought out with any action/explosion in there I would most definitely rave about those. Well, I have missed the big action/Sci Fi film of possibly this decade... 'StarTrek', but I figured it would be a waste of time posting for people to "go and see" when it's already been out for over a month. You've probably read the reviews and watched the trailers, and if you haven't seen it... Treckie or not... GO NOW! Definitely one of the best films of the year and Quinto's performance is just... well nothing short of legendary! - The DVD release date for this has not yet been confirmed, but I'll be sure to keep you posted.
One release to stay away from (well in my opinion anyway) is 'Angels & Demons'. The shame about this is, it had such potential to be a fantastic film, and for non Dan Brown fan's I'm sure it is a fantastic film, but for me, it just lacked that special something. Very disappointing considering the perfection of the first film, The DaVinci Code.
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13 years ago