Wednesday, 9 December 2009

Cheltenham MP speaks out about expenses scandle

Liberal Democrat MP for Cheltenham speaks out about expenses scandals, and brands the MPs at fault as crooks.

Martin Horwood, has constantly pushed for change within parliament and claims MPs should not be allowed to vote changes to the expenses system.

Prime Minister Gordon Brown, pushed for Sir Christopher Kelly to investigate the scandals surrounding expenses claims and publish his findings as an independent advisor being funded by the Cabinet Office.

Many of the MPs who have been caught out during Kelly’s investigation into expenses claimed the rules were not explained to them. Douglas Hogg, who claimed for “moat clearing” said: “Nobody told me I was doing the wrong thing.”

When a student from the University of Gloucestershire asked Martin Horwood if any of the MPs in his constituency were involved in the expenses scandal he explained: “My colleagues were trying to follow the rules as they saw them.”

Questioned on what he would like to be done about the MPs caught with deceitful expenses, Horwood declared: “These people are crooks, they should have stepped down.”

Horwood fully supported Kelly’s investigation and is calling for subsidies for private homes to be banned, and is pushing for all parliamentary expenses to be handled by a new independent authority.

When asked what he thought of the MPs who have famously cheated the system claiming for duck ponds and on multiple homes he declared: “There have been no precautions and these people still have their jobs.”

Martin Horwood openly publishes his expenses on his website and urges for a recall in the system meaning details of MPs claims would not be kept secret.

Horwood also discussed his feelings towards pulling troops out of Iraq and the Liberal Democrats policy on eradicating tuition fees, which has been a largely successful scheme in Scotland.

Thursday, 3 December 2009

Burglars Up The Stakes Stealing Rare Crockery

Thieves stole a priceless collection of rare crockery from a Cheltenham home last week. This comes after a spate of burglaries in the area.

The burglary happened at around 5pm on Saturday 28 November, the items stolen were from a priceless 19th century tea and coffee set including a teapot, sugar bowl and lid, milk jug, teacups, saucers can coffee mugs.

Police are being cautious about identifying the victims of the burglary; Prestbury House hotel has denied rumours that they were the targets of this crime. There has been no confirmation that this was a planned attack to seal the items in question.

PC Adam Bundock has recently urged residents to secure their homes and vehicles, he said: "We've seen a number of night time burglaries in the Prestbury community lately, and the sad truth is that the majority of these could have been avoided." He also said: "We are trying hard to encourage residents to take better care of their belongings... if you love it then lock it."

Gloucestershire Police have confirmed that no arrests have been made in connection to the incident however they are appealing to anyone who might have information about the crime, and are looking towards local antique dealers who may have been offered the pieces.

PC Mark Gosland, Crime Prevention Advisor for the Cotswolds asked the counties residents to: "Deny thieves the opportunity by following the simple crime prevention advice." Details of this are available on the Gloucestershire Police website.

Anyone with information can contact the police on 0845 090 1234 and quote incident number 424 of 28 November 2009,or alternatively call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
They are also offering support for any victims of the burglaries through and offering advice on how to protect their homes further.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Lifetime Service Certificate for Cyril

Local legend receives Long Service Certificate from Gloucestershire County Council in honour of 24 years of service as a school governor. Cyril Beer, of Prestbury, has received a certificate for services to St Mary's Junior School. After almost a quarter of a century he has no regrets: "I loved being involved with the children." He said.
He took a lead role in helping when the school was subjected to the 2007 floods, cleaning out gutters and trying to get the school back in working order.
Daphne Philpot, Chair of Governors at St Mary's Junior School said he was always very helpful with the school and was even "on call ready to bale the school out of yet another flood".
When asked how the school system had developed and changed over his years there he said: "Now it is more about making sure there is enough money to take care of the school."
Although he is now retired, Cyril still takes an extremely active role in the community working with local groups such as, Prestbury Hall and St Mary's Church youth group. He now just plans to "relax".