Friday 12 March 2010

First Day Nerves

I have work experience at the Gloucestershire Echo next week and I could not be more nervous about it. It's a bit different when you're sat in University writing stories that only your lecturer will read (or maybe a plagiarism committee if you're a dunce and copy stuff)... anyway... it's a bit different when actual people are going to read your work.
I've never had great responses to my academic work, it's not one of those things that comes naturally, I really have to work for my grades. When you're in a class with people who you know are a million times better at something than you are it can be quite daunting.
Then going out into the working world it can be quite nerve racking, I fully expect that when the Subs see my work I'll be stuck in the news room making coffees which is going to suck! But I have to give it a try.
One of my lecturers got some lucky people the opportunity to work at the Independent over the summer, I considered applying for it but I decided it was a bad idea until I knew what to expect from a news room... and if I do end up making the coffees I can do that in Cheltenham, I don't want to be stuck in London doing it for two weeks.
Anyway - more to come on work experience next week... unless I get slaughtered by the real world before making it back to my computer.

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