Wednesday 28 April 2010

Indy Placement

A few weeks ago (with some persuasion from a lecturer) I decided to apply for a two week placement with the Independent over the summer. In all honesty I was in two minds about applying simply for the reason that as a student, the thought of being thrown into a national paper is so overwhelmingly daunting and I was petrified of being torn to shreds.

Nothing much changed when I decided to take the chance and apply, but talking it over with said lecturer, it made sense to give it a shot. Even with no guarantees of getting past the interview stage - it's all a great experience. And lets face it, nobody is going to get anywhere in life if they don't push themselves to try new things, and step out of their comfort zone. I think it's only then you can really test your capabilities and reach your potential, sounds like a cliche, yes! But this makes it nonetheless true.

After handing in a dubious CV - in the sense I went a bit overboard with the design (see for a good olde chuckle) I wasn't so sure I was going to be called for interview, however for some peculiar reason I was called in - Malcolm must have appreciated the intent behind the design even if it was slightly gung-ho.

To be perfectly honest, knowing that two of the third year print journalists had applied made the experience that little bit more nerve racking, this is simply because they have far more experience than me at this stage and probably more to offer the paper.

I went along today feeling relatively nervous and not knowing quite what to expect. I took along a portfolio of my work so far which went down really well and then had a chat about why I wanted the placement.

After getting myself worked up and staying up until 4am this morning playing about with my portfolio; debating on what to include and what to leave buried in a box. I'm pleased to say I thought the interview went really well. I was a lot less nervous once I'd got into the swing of things and answered a few questions. The feedback afterwards was undoubtedly encouraging, but more to the point it was endlessly constructive.

So, I came home to an email this afternoon:
Hi Nikki,

Just to confirm that you were successful in your application for the Independent work placement from July 19-30.
I am sure you will be great – just make sure you make the most of it.
If, for any reason, you are unable to take up the post then please let me know.

Malcolm Bradbrook
Course Leader in Print Journalism
University of Gloucestershire

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