Thursday, 13 January 2011

Have you ever have one of those moments...

... when you think something is a joke, a somewhat sick one at that, and then realise that somebody is being serious?

Mooching through some news stories online I came across a... well lets use the term human, who is so full of hate and distain for everyone it is genuinely hard to believe. Fred Phelps is the founder of Westboro Baptist Church, some of you may already be aware of this American organisation founded in 1955 however, being a Brit it isn't something I've come across before; although apparently Jacqui Smith banned them from entering the UK because of their plans to picket a play in February 2009 which featured homosexuality.

I've never seen such an insolent man, his fundamentalist attitude has clearly rendered him insane. The WBC claim gay people should be made to live in a city alone and not interact with straight people. In my humble opinion fundamentalists nut jobs should be made to live on an island a persecute each other until there is nobody left, but hey ho, we can't all get what we want.

Westboro Baptist Church vowed to picket the Arizona shooting victims funerals and they even published a press release regarding the funeral of the youngest victim, nine-year-old Christina Tyler-Green. However since the released of this statement, Arizona legislators passed an emergency law barring protesters from coming within 300 feet of a funeral, stating "a funeral is no place to protest". In response to this "emergency law" Shirley Phelps-Roper of Westboro Baptist Church in Topeka, Kansas, announced the group would not protest at the funeral of Christina Green, instead they would appear on a radio station in Toronto, Canada. She also stated that they would still attend and protest at the funeral of US District Judge John Roll, who was shot dead by Jared Loughner last Saturday.

Please click on the image to enlarge it.

When I loaded the oh so subtly named website I was completely taken aback by the content of this hateful site. I'm not going to link it because I don't believe his website should have any more hits, however I took a screen shot of "Numbers" listed down the side of the page so you can see for yourself the kind of tosh this group of people pours on to the internet (which by the way God hates) ...

Take some solace in the fact this isn't going unchallenged, and that there are some fantastic people in the world who will look at the WBC and Fred Phelps whilst laughing and making fun of their archaic values.

After an initial irate rant about how religious extremism is holding the world in a bronze-age rut I saw the funny side of WBC and Fred Phelps. As Michael Moore has demonstrated, if society laughs at these fools and if we all unite and turn our back on them, who will they yell at? Who will they direct their pathetic little rants at if nobody is listening and nobody cares?


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